Sunday, July 12, 2009

break up

Were you had a break up with your boyfriend/girlfriend just this past few weeks? If you do, maybe you are feeling hard forgetting him/her together with those wonderful memories the both of you have shared. It’s really hard to move on and start again a new beginning when you really love that guy/girl. I have here some ways which would help you survive break up.

1. Keep all those memorable things such as remembrances, monthsary gifts and pictures away from your sight. this will prevent you from remembering all of your happy moments.

2. Do some outdoor activities like playing sports, shopping in malls or hang out with friends. It’s a good cure so you won’t feel alone and hopeless. Never drink alcoholic drinks of take some prohibited drugs, they won’t help you but rather makes your problem worst.

3. Do not go to places where you might remember him/her especially when you’re all alone. You were just seriously depressing yourself. Do not let your feelings control you or else you’ll feel guilty knowing it is your lost and might ruin your mind.

4. Discover new things you think better than that girl or guy, particularly like expensive cars, in demand careers or you could search for a new girl or a guy. In this way, your ex-boyfriend/girlfriend would think he/she losses the game.

5. If possible, forget all the past things and events including your ex-boyfriend/girlfriend. It’s not the time the give up, you don’t need to worry if he/she will never come back. you may find another one that would truly love.

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